The World
Read poems on the subject of the world
Designed by God or Man?
Abba, Father, Atheism/Secularism, Attributes, Beauty of Creation, Biblical Foundations, Captain of our soul, Dismissing God, Fine Tuning, Foolish arrogance of man, God keeps His promises, His word, God restores us, God's Word & Jesus Christ our foundation, His Word never fails, Instruction in Truth, Irreducible Complexity, Jesus brings light & truth, Men's or God's ideas?, Replacement of Truth, Self-rule, Suppression of Truth, The Way Truth and Life, The World, Truth sets us free, Truth verus lies and deception, Wisdom & guidance, Worldview
The Foundation of Our Nation
A veneer & pretense, Carnal pleasures or eternal blessings?, Coming Judgment, Corruption & greed, Deception and Power, Defense of our nation, Dismissing God, Disregard of Truth, Foolish arrogance of man, Freedom or tyrrany, God's Word & Jesus Christ our foundation, Gratitude and honor for those who serve, Jesus brings light & truth, Men's or God's ideas?, No submission to God, Our foundations being destroyed, Pray for our rulers and defenders, Progressivism is regressive, Refusing submission to God, Religion but not obedience of God, Replacement of Truth, Spiritual warfare in our nation, The World, Truth verus lies and deception, Worldview
In Political Contributions They Trust?
Armor of God, Atheism/Secularism, Biblical Foundations, Corruption & greed, Deception and Power, Deception and Power, Disinformation & destruction, Disregard of Truth, Fierce attacks, Freedoms threatened, God overcomes, God uses evil for His purposes, God's Word & Jesus Christ our foundation, Grace to endure, More than Conquerors in Christ, Our foundations being destroyed, Progressivism is regressive, Refusing submission to God, Replacement of Truth, Spiritual Warfare, Spiritual warfare in our nation, Stand strong in the LORD, Suppression of Truth, The World, Truth sets us free, Truth verus lies and deception, Victory, Worldview
A Shameful Olympic Opening
A veneer & pretense, Attributes, Carnal pleasures or eternal blessings?, Coming Judgment, Corruption & greed, Deception and Power, Defense of our nation, Dismissing God, Disregard of Truth, Foolish arrogance of man, Freedom or tyrrany, God's Word & Jesus Christ our foundation, Gratitude and honor for those who serve, Instruction in Truth, Jesus brings light & truth, Men's or God's ideas?, No submission to God, Our foundations being destroyed, Pray for our rulers and defenders, Progressivism is regressive, Refusing submission to God, Religion but not obedience of God, Replacement of Truth, Spiritual warfare in our nation, The World, Trembles at My Word, Truth verus lies and deception, Worldview
Our Moral Collapse
A veneer & pretense, Carnal pleasures or eternal blessings?, Coming Judgment, Corruption & greed, Deception and Power, Defense of our nation, Dismissing God, Disregard of Truth, Foolish arrogance of man, Freedom or tyrrany, God's Word & Jesus Christ our foundation, Gratitude and honor for those who serve, Jesus brings light & truth, Men's or God's ideas?, No submission to God, Our foundations being destroyed, Pray for our rulers and defenders, Progressivism is regressive, Refusing submission to God, Religion but not obedience of God, Replacement of Truth, Spiritual warfare in our nation, The World, Truth verus lies and deception, Worldview
Our Vision
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, An Awakening, Avoid sins of the flesh, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Be good and faithful stewards, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Created for God's will not mine, Cultivate Christlikeness, Equipping converts by role modeling, Faith to move mountains, Fruit of the Spirit, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth, sow and obey, God keeps His promises, His word, Good soil for sowing, Great Commission, Instruction in Truth, Intercession, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Laying down our lives, Life in the Spirit, Love your enemies, Made for God's glory and pleasure, Meaning, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Pray for more Laborers, Stand strong in the LORD, Surrender, Victory, Will never leave nor forsake us, Wisdom & guidance
Drifting or Transforming ?
A slave of sin or Christ, Carnal pleasures or eternal blessings?, Coming Judgment, Dismissing God, Disregard of Truth, Enter His Rest, Foolish arrogance of man, God's Word & Jesus Christ our foundation, Heart attitudes, Jesus brings light & truth, Knowing God, Learn to Navigate, Life in the Spirit, Men's or God's ideas?, Our journey, Refusing submission to God, Replacement of Truth, spiritual victory in Christ, Trusting God for the future, Truth sets us free, Truth verus lies and deception, Turn to the Savior
Be Honest and True
Carnal pleasures or eternal blessings?, Corruption & greed, Deception and Power, Disregard of Truth, God keeps His promises, His word, God's Word & Jesus Christ our foundation, His Word never fails, Instruction in Truth, Jesus brings light & truth, Light, Men's or God's ideas?, Spiritual warfare in our nation, The Way Truth and Life, Truth sets us free, Truth verus lies and deception
Flesh or Spirit?
A growing our faith, A living sacrifice for Christ, Abiding in God's Vine, Absolute confidence in God, Always victorious, Be filled with His Spirit, Carnal pleasures or eternal blessings?, Come fill and use me, Complete surrender of all, Count all as Loss for Christ, Crying out for God to help, Cultivate Christlikeness, Cultivate thirst and time for God, Deny self, Dying to Self, Faith, Focus on being filled by God, Fruit of the Spirit, Fulfil all You desire in me, Gaining Christ is gaining all, God's grace not our works, Grace given as needed, Honor God in all, Humble heart-cries, Jesus is ever with us, Keep abiding, Keep on being filled, Life in the Spirit, Made strong by God's Spirit, Seeking God's Presence, Stand for God, do not yield, Testing, Trials, Testing, Temptation
Be Creative
Attributes, Beauty of Creation, God, God provides, God's Name is above all, God's Word & Jesus Christ our foundation, His Word never fails, Holiness of God, Instruction in Truth, Jesus brings light & truth, Jesus, King of kings & LORD of lords, Jesus, light of the world, Magnify & Praise our God, Men's or God's ideas?, Our dependence on God, The World, Treasure God's Word, We're mere tiny specks
Jewish Persecution
A circumcised heart, A slave of righteousness or unrighteousness, Brought back to the Land, Child of God, Foreshadow of the Messiah, God's call to repent, God's chastening, God's faithfulness to His promises, God's faithfulness to the Jews, Jewish, Messiah atoned for us, Rabbinical Judaism, The Law could not fulfill, Worldview, Yeshua fulfilled all the prophecies
Learn from the Ungodly
A veneer & pretense, Atheism/Secularism, Biblical Foundations, Carnal pleasures or eternal blessings?, Corruption & greed, Deception and Power, Disinformation & destruction, Disregard of Truth, God's Word & Jesus Christ our foundation, More than Conquerors in Christ, Our foundations being destroyed, Progressivism is regressive, Refusing submission to God, Replacement of Truth, Stand strong in the LORD, Suppression of Truth, The World, Truth sets us free, Truth verus lies and deception, Worldview