Read poems on the subject of prayer
Has the Church Lost Its Way?
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, An Awakening, Avoid sins of the flesh, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Be good and faithful stewards, Bible, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Created for God's will not mine, Cultivate Christlikeness, Equipping converts by role modeling, Faith to move mountains, Fruit of the Spirit, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth, sow and obey, Good soil for sowing, Great Commission, Intercession, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Life in the Spirit, Made for God's glory and pleasure, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Pray for more Laborers, Rescue the perishing, Saints, avoid huddling together, Stand strong in the LORD, The nations, Unreached, Victory, We are Jesus messengers
God Sets the Rules
A growing our faith, A living sacrifice for Christ, A slave of righteousness or unrighteousness, Absolute confidence in God, Always victorious, Am under new management, Avoid sins of the flesh, Be filled with His Spirit, Be forgiving, Be thankful always, Bear much fruit, Called to Serve, Child of God, Complete surrender of all, Count all as Loss for Christ, Cultivate Christlikeness, Cultivate thirst and time for God, Deny self, Dying to Self, Focus on being filled by God, Forgive others as we are forgiven, Forgiveness & grace, God gives us the riches of Christ, God keeps His promises, His word, His Word never fails, Life in the Spirit, Light, Nothing separates from God's love, Obeying God's Word, Total dependence daily, Walking by Faith, not sight, Wisdom & guidance
Absolute confidence in God, Almighty and all loving, Ask God and then listen, Ask God for wisdom, Be filled with His Spirit, Be patient waiting on God, Be patient, wait on God, Be Strong & Courageous, Come Holy Spirit and fill, Complete surrender of all, Crying out for God to help, Drawing nearer to God, Faith, Faith or Feelings, Fear not nor doubt, Follow faith not feelings, Fulfil all You desire in me, Full surrender to great blessings, Gives grace for our testing, Glorify, exalt & honor the LORD, God is working for good, God restores us, God works all for good, God's nature is love, God's way of escape, Grace & Mercy, Grow better not bitter, His Word never fails, Instruction in Truth, Light, Our refuge and fortress, Patiently wait on God, Redeems & restores, Remaining faithful to God, Trials & Suffering, Trials, Testing, Temptation, Walking by Faith, not sight, Want God's will and way, Wisdom & guidance
Made For God’s Glory
A growing our faith, A living sacrifice for Christ, A slave of righteousness or unrighteousness, Absolute confidence in God, Always victorious, Am under new management, Avoid sins of the flesh, Be filled with His Spirit, Be forgiving, Be thankful always, Bear much fruit, Called to Serve, Complete surrender of all, Count all as Loss for Christ, Cultivate Christlikeness, Cultivate thirst and time for God, Deny self, Dying to Self, Focus on being filled by God, Forgive others as we are forgiven, Forgiveness & grace, Freely we receive, freely give, Fruit of the Spirit, God gives us the riches of Christ, Life in the Spirit, Nothing separates from God's love
Keep Interceding
Allowing God to choose, Ask boldly in faith, Ask God to forgive, Ask, Seek ,Knock, Be Anxious for Nothing, Breakthrough barriers, Crying out for God to help, Faith, Faith or Feelings, Faith or Works, Fight on our knees, Forgive others, Forgive others as we are forgiven, Give up, selfish wants, God is ever Faithful, God's reign here, Great assurance God will supply, Great faith, no doubting, Guard our heart & mind, Hindrances in prayer, How to Pray, Humble heart-cries, Intercession, Listening to God, Persevere in prayer, Persevering patiently, Pray for one another, Prayer, Pull down strongholds, Seek God's Will, Seeking God's Presence, Your will and way
Flesh or Spirit?
A growing our faith, A living sacrifice for Christ, Abiding in God's Vine, Absolute confidence in God, Always victorious, Be filled with His Spirit, Carnal pleasures or eternal blessings?, Come fill and use me, Complete surrender of all, Count all as Loss for Christ, Crying out for God to help, Cultivate Christlikeness, Cultivate thirst and time for God, Deny self, Dying to Self, Faith, Focus on being filled by God, Fruit of the Spirit, Fulfil all You desire in me, Gaining Christ is gaining all, God's grace not our works, Grace given as needed, Honor God in all, Humble heart-cries, Jesus is ever with us, Keep abiding, Keep on being filled, Life in the Spirit, Made strong by God's Spirit, Seeking God's Presence, Stand for God, do not yield, Testing, Trials, Testing, Temptation
His Rest and Peace
A growing our faith, Absolute confidence in God, Almighty and all loving, Avoid sins of the flesh, Calling on God, Come enter God's Presence, Complete surrender of all, Crying out for God to help, Cultivate thirst and time for God, Deny self, Drawing nearer to God, Faith, Faith or Feelings, Focus on being filled by God, Full surrender to great blessings, Gives grace for our testing, Glorify, exalt & honor the LORD, God is ever giving & forgiving, God is our strength, God keeps His promises, His word, God provides, God's grace not our works, Great assurance God will supply, His selfless, unfailing love, His Word never fails, Humble heart-cries, Infinite, eternal, all powerful, Life in the Spirit, Look to God not man, Magnify & Praise our God, Our dwelling place, Our eyes ever on You, Our Father wants to give good gifts, Our refuge and fortress, Setting our heart, mind and will, Stepping out to obey without yet seeing., Surrender, Total dependence daily, Trust and obey God's will, Wait on God, walk by faith by obeying, Walking by Faith, not sight
God Doesn’t Believe In Luck!
A circumcised heart, A living sacrifice for Christ, A slave of sin or Christ, Absolute confidence in God, Atonement for my sin, Be filled with His Spirit, Be forgiving, Be intentional, Child of God, Complete surrender of all, Cultivate Christlikeness, Cultivate thirst and time for God, Deliverance from bondage of sin, Deny self, God's call to repent, God's chastening, God's faithfulness to His promises, Humble heart-cries, Life in the Spirit, Rabbinical Judaism, Repent, worship & filled, Sanctified, holy, Seeking God's Presence, Set apart for God's service, Worldview
Our Worship – Accepted or Rejected
A slave of righteousness or unrighteousness, Attributes, Calling on God, Come enter God's Presence, Come Holy Spirit and fill, Complete surrender of all, Drawing nearer to God, Exalt His Name, Focus on God's attributes, For repentance & weeping, Forgiveness, Forgiveness & grace, Full surrender to great blessings, God, God is worthy of all our love, God keeps His promises, His word, God restores us, God's judgment of evil, God's Presence, God's righteousness, holiness, Holiness of God, Humble heart cries, Jesus laid down His life, Light, Redeems & restores, Sent Messiah to atone, Worship, Worship
Our Nation Adrift
A Revival, An Awakening, Ask boldly in faith, Ask God to forgive, Ask, Seek ,Knock, Be filled with His Spirit, Breakthrough barriers, Come fill and use me, Coming in Weakness, Complete surrender of all, Conviction of sin, righteousness, judgment, Count all as Loss for Christ, Crying out for God to help, For repentance & weeping, Forgiveness & grace, God is ever Faithful, God our only hope, God's grace not our works, Great conviction of sin, Guard our heart & mind, Jesus blood bought victory, Live in dependence on God, Made strong by God's Spirit, Persevere in prayer, Prayer, Pull down strongholds, Seeking God's Presence, Total dependence daily
Only Three Years
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, Ask boldly in faith, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Bible, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Count all as Loss for Christ, Equipping converts by role modeling, Faith to move mountains, Fruitful or barren?, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth, sow and obey, Good soil for sowing, Great Commission, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Obeying God's Word, Persevere in prayer, Pray for more Laborers, Rescue the perishing, Saints, avoid huddling together, Selfless living focused on the other, spiritual warfare, Stand strong in the LORD, Victory