Read poems on the subject of prayer
Wait upon The Lord
Allowing God to choose, Ask boldly in faith, Ask, Seek ,Knock, Be Anxious for Nothing, Be patient for God's time, Be patient waiting on God, Calling on God, Crying out for God to help, Drawing nearer to God, God is working for good, God keeps His promises, His word, God's nature is love, Great faith, no doubting, Guard our heart & mind, Have we ears to hear?, His Word never fails, Humble heart cries, Instruction in Truth, Patiently wait on God, Persevere in prayer, Prayer life, Seek God's Will, Seeking God's Presence, Trust and obey God's will, Wisdom & guidance, Wise men still seek Him
Struggling to Expect Miracles?
A growing our faith, Abiding in God's Vine, Almighty and all loving, Ask boldly in faith, Attributes, Be filled with His Spirit, Be patient waiting on God, Calling on God, Complete surrender of all, Crying out for God to help, Cultivate thirst and time for God, Doubting is mistrusting God, Faith, Faith or Feelings, Focus on being filled by God, Follow faith not feelings, God is ever Faithful, God is working for good, God our only hope, God uses trials to transform us, God's nature is love, Humble heart cries, Life in the Spirit, Live in dependence on God, Made strong by God's Spirit, No matter our lot, Set our mind on God's kingdom, Setting our heart, mind and will, Stepping out on God's Word, Stepping out to obey without yet seeing., Testing, Trust and obey God's will, walk by faith by obeying, Walking by Faith, not sight, Want God's will and way
Is the Modern Church Biblical?
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, Ask boldly in faith, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Count all as Loss for Christ, Equipping converts by role modeling, Faith to move mountains, Fruitful or barren?, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth, sow and obey, Good soil for sowing, Great Commission, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Obeying God's Word, Persevere in prayer, Pray for more Laborers, Rescue the perishing, Saints, avoid huddling together, Selfless living focused on the other, spiritual warfare, Stand strong in the LORD, Victory
Evolving, Dissolving or Disciple-Making Church?
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, Ask boldly in faith, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Bible, Bound to Christ not emotions, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Count all as Loss for Christ, Encourage others in the LORD, Equipping converts by role modeling, Faith to move mountains, Fruitful or barren?, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth, sow and obey, Good soil for sowing, Great Commission, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Obeying God's Word, Persevere in prayer, Pray for more Laborers, Rescue the perishing, Saints, avoid huddling together, Selfless living focused on the other, spiritual warfare, Stand strong in the LORD, Victory, We are Jesus messengers
Pew Sitters or People Seekers?
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Be good and faithful stewards, Bible, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Created for God's will not mine, Cultivate Christlikeness, Equipping converts by role modeling, Fruit of the Spirit, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth shed His light, Go forth, sow and obey, Great Commission, Instruction in Truth, Intercession, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Life in the Spirit, Made for God's glory and pleasure, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Pray for more Laborers, Rescue the perishing, Saints, avoid huddling together, Stand strong in the LORD, Trembles at My Word, Unreached, Victory, We are Jesus messengers
A Revival, An Awakening, Ask boldly in faith, Ask God to forgive, Ask, Seek ,Knock, Be filled with His Spirit, Breakthrough barriers, Come fill and use me, Coming in Weakness, Complete surrender of all, Conviction of sin, righteousness, judgment, Count all as Loss for Christ, Crying out for God to help, For repentance & weeping, Forgiveness & grace, Great conviction of sin, Guard our heart & mind, Made strong by God's Spirit, Persevere in prayer, Prayer, Pull down strongholds, Seeking God's Presence, Total dependence daily
Churches are not Equipping
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, An Awakening, Avoid sins of the flesh, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Be good and faithful stewards, Bible, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Created for God's will not mine, Cultivate Christlikeness, Equipping converts by role modeling, Faith to move mountains, Fruit of the Spirit, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth, sow and obey, Good soil for sowing, Great Commission, Intercession, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Life in the Spirit, Made for God's glory and pleasure, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Pray for more Laborers, Rescue the perishing, Saints, avoid huddling together, Stand strong in the LORD, The nations, Unreached, Victory, We are Jesus messengers
New Testament Churches
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, Ask boldly in faith, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Count all as Loss for Christ, Equipping converts by role modeling, Faith to move mountains, Fruitful or barren?, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth, sow and obey, Good soil for sowing, Great Commission, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Obeying God's Word, Persevere in prayer, Pray for more Laborers, Rescue the perishing, Saints, avoid huddling together, Selfless living focused on the other, spiritual warfare, Stand strong in the LORD, Victory
Many Pastors are Panicking
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, Ask boldly in faith, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Count all as Loss for Christ, Equipping converts by role modeling, Faith to move mountains, Fruitful or barren?, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth, sow and obey, Good soil for sowing, Great Commission, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Obeying God's Word, Persevere in prayer, Pray for more Laborers, Rescue the perishing, Saints, avoid huddling together, Selfless living focused on the other, spiritual warfare, Stand strong in the LORD, Victory
Churchianity or Christianity?
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, Ask boldly in faith, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Count all as Loss for Christ, Equipping converts by role modeling, Faith to move mountains, Fruitful or barren?, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth, sow and obey, Good soil for sowing, Great Commission, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Obeying God's Word, Persevere in prayer, Pray for more Laborers, Rescue the perishing, Saints, avoid huddling together, Selfless living focused on the other, spiritual warfare, Stand strong in the LORD, Victory
Out of Control?
A growing our faith, A living sacrifice for Christ, A slave of righteousness or unrighteousness, Abiding in God's Vine, Avoid sins of the flesh, Be filled with His Spirit, Cultivate Christlikeness, Dying to Self, Faith, Faith or Feelings, Give up, selfish wants, Great faith, no doubting, Inner freedom from sin, Keep on being filled, Life in the Spirit
Modern Churches versus Home Churches
A living sacrifice for Christ, Absolute confidence in God, Ask boldly in faith, Be faithful and available, Be filled with His Spirit, Called to Serve, Child of God, Cleansed and Commissioned, Complete surrender of all, Contend earnestly for the faith, Count all as Loss for Christ, Equipping converts by role modeling, Faith to move mountains, Fruitful or barren?, Get out of our comfort zone, Go forth, sow and obey, Good soil for sowing, Great Commission, Jesus commanded 'Go Forth', Lampstand to bring light, Multiplying Disciple Makers, Obedience to God's Will, Obey God's Word, Obeying God's Word, Persevere in prayer, Pray for more Laborers, Rescue the perishing, Saints, avoid huddling together, Selfless living focused on the other, spiritual warfare, Stand strong in the LORD, Victory