Sorted alphabetically by title
Seeking Approval
‘Self’ has to Die
Self or the Savior?
‘Self’…My Old Nature
Seminaries or Cemeteries?
Send Showers of Blessing
Send The Fire
Send The Fire, LORD
Serving God
Set Free
Set us on Fire
Setting Our Mind
Sexual Immorality
Shame-Blame Cycle
Shame, Disclaim, Blame
Shame on Us!
Shout to the LORD
Signs and Wonders
Sinking or Seeking God ?
Six-Day Creation
So Blessed!
So, Listen!
So Many, So Few
So much…So little
So Near…So Far (The Inner…or Outer)
Social Revolution
Soil Inspection
Sounds Strange!
Spiritual Decline in our Nation
Spiritual Reproduction
Start Dying, Begin Living
Stay Faithful
Sterile Churches
Still Grasping Grievances, or Set Free?
Still Resentful?
Strengthen our Faith
Striving, or Resting?
Study ‘Disciple Making Movements’
Suffering-God’s Path to Blessings
Suffering Saints
Suppressing The Truth
Suppress Truth for a Lie
Take Me Deeper
Take Responsibility for Our Failures
Take the Time
Take Time to be Holy
Take Your Eyes Off the Problem!
Talmud, Torah or a Tree?
Taught by Trials
Teach me to pray
Teach us to number our days
Teaching or Training?
Teaching the Multitude, Training the Few
Teaching to Know, or to Obey?
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Holiday
That He May Increase
That Innermost Place
The Best Christmas Gift
The Big Picture
The ‘Blessed Way’
The Blessings of Persecution
The Blessings of Surrender (Becoming ‘Good Soil’)
The Chabad
A Complete Jew
The Cost of Salvation
The Cup, the Cross, the Crown
The Drama of Life
The Dying Church
The Faithful Worker
The Fear of God
The Fig Tree
The Foundation of Our Nation
The Good Shepherd
The Great Carpenter
The Holocaust
The Homeless Messiah
The Jew
The Jewish Messiah Foretold
The Just Shall Live by Faith
The LORD is My Shepherd
The Manifesto for the Unreached
The Master Carpenter
The Message of Christmas
The Mission Driven Church
The Presence of God
The Privilege of Persecution
The Prosperity Gospel
The Role of a Pastor
The Secret Place
The Storms of Life
The Thorn in Our Flesh
The Underground Church
The Unworthy
There is Always a Cost!