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The Cross
Great Commission
Life in the Spirit
Our Purpose
Spiritual Warfare
The World
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Read more poems on Worldview
Adversity? – God means it for good
Adversity? – God means it for good
God is working for our good
Growing in faith thro' trials
Pruning & transforming in trials
Rejoice in the Lord
Trust God despite circumstances
We're more than conquerors in Christ
Our Chief Pursuit
Our Chief Pursuit
Bear His fruit or be barren
Bear more fruit
Keep abiding and drawing near
Keep abiding being transformed
Pruned if no fruit
Our ‘Flesh’ has to Die
Our ‘Flesh’ has to Die
'Self' reliance must end
Crucify the flesh and self
Daily die at the cross
His will &ways not mine
Surrender 'self-will'
Walk in the Spirit
Wait upon The Lord
Wait upon The Lord
God's timing not mine
God's will not mine
He is working for our good
Persevere in prayer
Rest in God's love and grace
Wait on God and rest in Him
Find a Poem by Topic
Trials & Suffering
How to Pray
Faith or Feelings
Faith or Works
Learning to Pray
Biblical Foundations
False Religions
Rabbinical Judaism
Knowing God
Great Commission
The Cross
Life in the Spirit
The World
Spiritual Warfare
Child of God
Our Purpose
Meaning, Significance
Fruit of the Spirit
Preparing for battle
God overcomes
Fear of God
Turn to the Savior
A Double Portion
Our Dreams
God's goals for our life
Shine brightly
Be filled with His Spirit
Our Calling
Be good and faithful stewards
Ingredients for a home
Heart attitudes
Lamb of God
Our journey
Learn to Navigate
Keeping the Law
Atonement for my sin
Messiah atoned for us
Trusting God for the future
Faith for the future
Fresh Goals
Passion for God
Hunger & Thirst for God
God's Presence
Cultivate thirst and time for God
Focus on being filled by God
Be intentional
Dealing with distraction
Our choices
Our decisions
The fruit we bear
A Revival
An Awakening
A Mighty Moving of God
Listening to God
Seeking God's Presence
Faithfully obey
Lukewarm or dead
Abba, Father
Our dwelling place
Our refuge and fortress
Keep abiding
Bear much fruit
Captain of our soul
Sacrificial love
God restores us
Grace & Mercy
Jesus laid down His life
God provides
Our every need
Seek God's Will
Allowing God to choose
Foreshadow of the Messiah
The Law could not fulfill
A slave of sin or Christ
A slave of righteousness or unrighteousness
Be thankful always
Jesus is ever with us
Sufficient grace for our trials
Always victorious
No matter our lot
Jesus conquered sin & death
Jesus blood bought victory
Tempests and Storms
God works all for good
Amazing Grace
Be Anxious for Nothing
God's Peace
Guard our heart & mind
Our new life is not free
Give up, selfish wants
Called to Serve
Servant Heart
Royal Priesthood
Sanctified, holy
Set apart for God's service
God's faithfulness to the Jews
God's faithfulness to His promises
God's chastening
Freedoms threatened
Fierce attacks
Suffer & struggle
Consolation & comfort
Rejoice amidst suffering
Ultimate Deliverance
God's reign here
Great conviction of sin
For repentance & weeping
The nations
Pray for more Laborers
Open our mouths wide for God to fill
Faith to move mountains
Pull down strongholds
Multiplying Disciple Makers
Ask, Seek ,Knock
Great faith, no doubting
Magnify & Praise our God
Bless the LORD
Wait on God
I sought the LORD
Exalt His Name
Fear God, not man
Stand for God, do not yield
Irreducible Complexity
Fine Tuning
We're mere tiny specks
Wise men still seek Him
Fulfilling prophecy
Islamic destruction
God preserves
God uses evil for His purposes
Lead us not into tempation
Ask God to forgive
Forgive others
No submission to God
Men's or God's ideas?
Refusing submission to God
Armor of God
More than Conquerors in Christ
Complete surrender of all
A living sacrifice for Christ
Pull down strongholds
Fight on our knees
Bold & Courageous
Go forth, sow and obey
Be Daily Inspired
Breathe into me, LORD
Be Encouraged in Christ
Led by Christ not circumstances
Follow faith not feelings
Set our mind on God's kingdom
Lord, be exalted & praised
God's Name is above all
Praised in the heavens and earth
Quench not God's Spirit
Keep on being filled
Avoid sins of the flesh
God overcomes for us
Trials, Testing, Temptation
Be strong
Put on Christ Jesus
Be Strong & Courageous
Keep your heart pure
Nothing separates from God's love
Nothing separates from His love
Righteous Judge of all
Repent and believe
Willingness to forsake all
Pay the full price
Keep trusting & worshipping
Walk not Talk
Obedience to God's Will
God's love beyond measure
Grow better not bitter
Humble Acceptance
Blessed are the Meek
Trust and obey God's will
Ask God for wisdom
Be patient, wait on God
Come enter God's Presence
Breakthrough barriers
Come fill and use me
Redeems & restores
Shapes & molds us
Sharing & Caring
Draw near or separating
Redemption & restoration
Brokenness to Blessings
Blessings of persecution
Love fills the rooms
Passion for God & His will
Burned or blessed at Judgment
Put on God's love
Our eyes ever on You
God our only hope
Our Deliverer
Obeying God's Word
Attend to inner before outer
Molding & shaping
Worldview & faith
Am under new management
Go forth not staying seated
Religion or Relationship?
Knowing of, not yielding to Jesus
Token rituals or true faith
Glorify, exalt & honor the LORD
Repentance & turning to God
Get rid of the old ways
World-wide Disasters
God uses trials to transform us
The humble & meek
We dare not deny
Cleansed and Commissioned
Sanctified for His service
Ask boldly in faith
Hindrances in prayer
Contend earnestly for the faith
Get out of our comfort zone
Christ our total sufficiency
Equipping converts by role modeling
Count All as Loss
Gaining Christ is gaining all
Untested and false scientific facts
Suppression of Truth
Corruption & greed
Deception and Power
Disregard of Truth
Humor in life
Dealing with difficulties
Beauty of Creation
Death of a Believer in Jesus
God gives and He takes
Sorrowful yet always rejoicing
Seasons of life
Put off the old, put on the new
Cultivate Christlikeness
Setting our heart, mind and will
Cultural understanding
Deception and Power
Disinformation & destruction
Total dependence daily
Grace given as needed
Favor, blessings, kindness
Fulfil all You desire in me
Forgiveness & grace
Your will and way
Stepping out on God's Word
Doubting is mistrusting God
walk by faith by obeying
Bound to Christ not emotions
Seek Jesus' loving forgiveness
Replacement of Truth
Progressivism is regressive
Fear not nor doubt
Deeper yet deeper with God
Deliverance from demons
Deny self
In saving our life we lose it
Come Holy Spirit and fill
Crying out for God to help
Jesus offers living waters
Hope for the heart
Contentment is in Christ Jesus
Selfish or selfless
Serve or be served
Who rules, Christ or self?
Obey God's Word
Discouraged, despair
Forgive others as Jesus forgave us
God became man for us
He descended from heaven
Put to death in our place
Loving our enemies
Count all as Loss for Christ
Joy of the LORD
Fruit of God's Spirit
Saints, avoid huddling together
The fleeting or the eternal?
Seen or unseen treasures
The passing or the permanent?
Persevering patiently
God's way of escape
Have we ears to hear?
Ask God and then listen
This passing world or God's kingdom?
Encourage others in the LORD
Relaxation & escape
Untold treasures in Christ
Science cannot explain origins
Self examination & worldview
Coherent & consistent with reality
A veneer & pretense
Living an illusion
Warning on death to unsaved
Prepare for death
Faith not fear
Learning to lean into God
Quick to forgive others
Prepare for death
Honor God in all
Our kiving hope, Jesus
Self-inventory & input from others
Absolute confidence in God
Waiting on God
Look to God not man
God's grace not our works
Remaining faithful to God
God protects and provides all
Jesus never leaves nor forsakes us
Faith not Feelings
Our time daily with God
spiritual warfare
Power of prayer
spiritual victory in Christ
Pour from above & fill me
Ever praise & thanksgiving
Prayer life
Truth verus lies and deception
The Way Truth and Life
Truth sets us free
Falling aside or distracted
Remain faithful
God's Word & Jesus Christ our foundation
Selfless living focused on the other
Focus on God's attributes
Be forgiving
Forgive others as we are forgiven
Free Will
Set our minds above
Be freed from bondage
Be a new creature in Christ
Set free in Christ
Inner freedom from sin
God uses fires strife and trials
Full surrender to great blessings
Abiding in God's Vine
Fruitful or barren?
Wisdom & guidance
Instruction in Truth
Treasure God's Word
Come with fasting and weeping
His Word never fails
God keeps His promises, His word
God's timing is perfect
Be patient waiting on God
Wait on God's Timing
Be patient for God's time
God's judgment of evil
God's righteous wrath
Sent Messiah to atone
God gives grace amidst trials
Blessings await
Grace to endure
His selfless, unfailing love
God's nature is love
God is ever giving & forgiving
Godliness with contentment
Principalities & powers
Stand strong in the LORD
God's acceptable time
Peace for our heart and mind
'Peace I leave with you'
Satisfies our soul
God's righteousness, holiness
The Law could not fulfill
Trust God for His timing
Trust God for His timing
Being made complete like Christ
Now Jews & Gentiles His Treasure
Patiently wait on God
God is working for good
Working for our good
A light to the nations
Jesus, light of the world
Go forth shed His light
Drawing nearer to God
Lampstand to bring light
Shine bright for God
Jesus commanded 'Go Forth'
We are Jesus messengers
Full assurance of our future
Made for God's glory and pleasure
Created for God's will not mine
Stepping out to obey without yet seeing.
Great assurance God will supply
Want God's will and way
God gives us the riches of Christ
Exceeding abundance in Christ
Spiritual warfare in our nation
Our foundations being destroyed
God heals us
Humble heart cries
Humble heart-cries
Prepare for God's Kingdom
Heaven awaits
Prepare for heaven
Be faithful and available
Yielded to God's Will
Excuses not to go
Our reasons to stay
Jesus blood saves sinners
The life is in the blood
Carnal pleasures or eternal blessings?
Wrath of God on Jesus
Gives grace for our testing
Holiness to the LORD
Our living hope
Our living hope
Infinite, eternal, all powerful
Almighty and all loving
Draw me near
Free from bondage
Will never leave nor forsake us
Persevere in prayer
God is ever Faithful
Coming in Weakness
Made strong by God's Spirit
Troubles and tribulations
A growing our faith
Our Father wants to give good gifts
Pray for one another
Serving other gods
God's call to repent
A circumcised heart
Jesus, King of kings & LORD of lords
Let His light shine in us
Fear the LORD
Trembles at My Word
Learn to Release
Love your enemies
Freely we receive, freely give
All the riches of Christ
God strengthens His people
Whatever the cost
Walking by Faith, not sight
Living Waters
Conviction of sin, righteousness, judgment
God, open eyes and hearts
Love bears all things
Return evil with good
God is worthy of all our love
Jesus brings light & truth
Religion not Revival
Foolish arrogance of man
Defense of our nation
Gratitude and honor for those who serve
Laying down our lives
Pray for our rulers and defenders
Freedom or tyrrany
Dismissing God
Praise & Thanksgiving
Brought back to the Land
God is our strength
God's faithfulness to His Word
Dying to Self
The Lamb on His Throne
Jesus enthroned in Glory
Calling on God
Disciple Making
Equiping & training the Saints
Our heavenly inheritance
Our Healer
Jesus the Great Healer
Awaiting His Coming
God's warning of rebellion
Do not forsake God
Good soil for sowing
Noble and Good hearts
Stewards or owners?
Deliverance from bondage of sin
Christ the Firstfruits
Pray for Laborers
Enter His gates
Yeshua fulfilled all the prophecies
Rescue the perishing
Coming Judgment
Repent, worship & filled
God's greatest gift
Heavenly blessings and rewards
Holiness of God
Religion but not obedience of God
The wages of sin is death
Eternal blessings
Enter His Rest
Walk in God's Love
Humble not hardened
Live in dependence on God
Sealed by His Spirit
Holiness for the LORD
Our dependence on God
God's victorious love
Browse All Poems
Draw near to God
God calls us to fellowship
Our sin separates us from God
Seek God with a pure heart