Read poems on the subject of Jewish
Is Your Heart Circumcised?
A circumcised heart, Atonement for my sin, Be filled with His Spirit, Child of God, Complete surrender of all, Cultivate Christlikeness, Cultivate thirst and time for God, Deliverance from bondage of sin, Deny self, God's call to repent, God's chastening, God's faithfulness to His promises, Jewish, Now Jews & Gentiles His Treasure, Rabbinical Judaism, Sanctified, holy, Set apart for God's service, Worldview
Want to be Free?
Be Strong & Courageous, Calling on God, Come Holy Spirit and fill, Deliverance from bondage of sin, Deliverance from demons, Deny self, Enter His Rest, Faith not Feelings, Free from bondage, Full surrender to great blessings, God is our strength, God keeps His promises, His word, God overcomes, God strengthens His people, Instruction in Truth, Preparing for battle, Spiritual Warfare, Stand strong in the LORD, Victory
Two Mounts
Atonement for my sin, Be a new creature in Christ, Be freed from bondage, Brokenness to Blessings, Forgiveness, God became man for us, He descended from heaven, Jesus blood saves sinners, Messiah atoned for us, Redemption & restoration, Repentance & turning to God, The Cross, The Law could not fulfill
The Message of Christmas
Atonement for my sin, Deliverance from bondage of sin, Forgiveness, Free from bondage, God is ever giving & forgiving, God keeps His promises, His word, God provides, God restores us, God's Presence, Jesus laid down His life, Jesus offers living waters, Jesus, King of kings & LORD of lords, Joy of the LORD, Life, Light, Redeems & restores, Repent and believe, Sent Messiah to atone, spiritual victory in Christ, Wisdom & guidance
The Key to Life
Achieving, Calling on God, Coherent & consistent with reality, Deliverance from bondage of sin, Free Will, Have we ears to hear?, Infinite, eternal, all powerful, Instruction in Truth, Jesus, King of kings & LORD of lords, Lampstand to bring light, Made for God's glory and pleasure, Meaning, Significance, Our dwelling place, Our Purpose, Praised in the heavens and earth, Redeems & restores, Righteous Judge of all, Set our mind on God's kingdom, This passing world or God's kingdom?, Wisdom & guidance
The Cup, the Cross, the Crown
Am under new management, Be a new creature in Christ, Be filled with His Spirit, Be freed from bondage, Be Strong & Courageous, Come Holy Spirit and fill, Come with fasting and weeping, Complete surrender of all, Deny self, Fear of God, Forgiveness, Full surrender to great blessings, Jesus never leaves nor forsakes us, Love your enemies, Obedience to God's Will, Put to death in our place, Redemption & restoration, Repentance & turning to God, Selfless living focused on the other, Set apart for God's service, Set our mind on God's kingdom, Stand strong in the LORD, The Cross, Untold treasures in Christ, Whatever the cost, Yielded to God's Will
The Cost of Salvation
Am under new management, Be a new creature in Christ, Be filled with His Spirit, Be freed from bondage, Come Holy Spirit and fill, Come with fasting and weeping, Complete surrender of all, Deny self, Fear of God, Forgiveness, Full surrender to great blessings, Love your enemies, Put to death in our place, Redemption & restoration, Repentance & turning to God, Selfless living focused on the other, Set apart for God's service, The Cross, Whatever the cost, Yielded to God's Will
The Best Christmas Gift
'Peace I leave with you', Be thankful always, God became man for us, God provides, God restores us, God's greatest gift, God's love beyond measure, God's Presence, Godliness with contentment, Inner freedom from sin, Jesus blood saves sinners, Jesus conquered sin & death, Jesus never leaves nor forsakes us, Jesus, King of kings & LORD of lords, Jesus, light of the world, Lamb of God, Life, Magnify & Praise our God, Obey God's Word, Our choices, Our Father wants to give good gifts, Our journey, Peace for our heart and mind, Seasons of life, Sent Messiah to atone, Set free in Christ, Sharing & Caring, Turn to the Savior, Who rules, Christ or self?, Worldview & faith, Yeshua fulfilled all the prophecies
Talmud, Torah or a Tree?
A circumcised heart, Atonement for my sin, Child of God, Deliverance from bondage of sin, Foreshadow of the Messiah, Jewish, Keeping the Law, Messiah atoned for us, Messianic, Now Jews & Gentiles His Treasure, Rabbinical Judaism, The Law could not fulfill, Worldview, Yeshua fulfilled all the prophecies
Suffering-God’s Path to Blessings
Almighty and all loving, Be patient for God's time, Being made complete like Christ, Count all as Loss for Christ, Drawing nearer to God, Faith, Fulfil all You desire in me, Full assurance of our future, Full surrender to great blessings, Gives grace for our testing, God gives grace amidst trials, God is working for good, God keeps His promises, His word, God provides, God restores us, God uses fires strife and trials, God works all for good, God's faithfulness to His promises, God's goals for our life, God's nature is love, God's Presence, Grace given as needed, His Word never fails, Made for God's glory and pleasure, Our living hope, Patiently wait on God, Redeems & restores, Remaining faithful to God, Suffer & struggle, Testing, The Lamb on His Throne, Trials & Suffering, Trust and obey God's will, Wait on God's Timing, Worship
Suffering Saints
Absolute confidence in God, Almighty and all loving, Be patient for God's time, Calling on God, Come Holy Spirit and fill, Faith, Full assurance of our future, Gives grace for our testing, God is working for good, God keeps His promises, His word, God provides, God restores us, God uses fires strife and trials, God works all for good, God's faithfulness to His promises, God's nature is love, God's Presence, His Word never fails, Our kiving hope, Jesus, Our living hope, Patiently wait on God, Redeems & restores, Remaining faithful to God, Suffer & struggle, Tempests and Storms, Testing, The Lamb on His Throne, Trials & Suffering, Trials, Testing, Temptation, Trust and obey God's will, Victory, Wait on God's Timing, Worship
Almighty and all loving, Be patient for God's time, Calling on God, Come Holy Spirit and fill, Drawing nearer to God, Faith, Gives grace for our testing, God is working for good, God keeps His promises, His word, God provides, God uses fires strife and trials, God works all for good, God's faithfulness to His promises, God's nature is love, God's Presence, His Word never fails, Jesus enthroned in Glory, Jesus, King of kings & LORD of lords, Our kiving hope, Jesus, Our living hope, Our refuge and fortress, Patiently wait on God, Redeems & restores, Remaining faithful to God, spiritual victory in Christ, Suffer & struggle, Tempests and Storms, Testing, The Lamb on His Throne, Trials & Suffering, Trials, Testing, Temptation, Trust and obey God's will, Victory, Wait on God's Timing, Worship