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Renewing the Church

Seem so few, will die to self
So ask Jesus, to start using
My life holy, be His witness
Disciple-making, reproducing.

Attitudes and Habits

So, choose forgiveness and love
For God’s truth, sets us free
From old attitudes, reactions
Call on Jesus, to Him flee.


So dear saint, do surrender
His Word and Spirit, alone obey
Not the world, the flesh, the devil
All on His altar, fully lay.

Our Battles are Won

For Jesus only, our Creator
Living in us, He can supply
His grace, ever sufficient
Simply trust Him, and abide.

Revive Us, O LORD

Shake us and wake us
Revive us O Lord
Send down the fires
May Your Spirit be poured.

Church Leaders in Disciple-Making?

So let us focus, on Jesus’ mission
Train in outreach, disciple-making
Equip the saints, reach the world
Role modeling, and mentoring!

He Fills My Cup

LORD God, fill my cup
In love chose to die
Living waters to give
That never runs dry.