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Setting Our Mind

Yes, am setting my mind
Asking for God’s grace
Not stuck in life’s mire
Seek His thoughts, to replace.

Our Soul

Then live, as God designed
For God’s glory and purpose
Feeding on the Bread of Life
Our soul, in His service.

Our Daily Walk

Incline our hearts
Walk all His ways
Do all God says
All of our days.

Our Spirit, Soul and Body

With now our body, His Temple
Glorify God, in all He gives
Our soul, belongs to God
By His Spirit, our spirit lives.

Futility or Fullness?

And put on the new man
Created according to God
In true righteousness and holiness
In His fullness, now daily trod.

Counting our Blessings

So many riches, in Christ
We are rich, beyond measure
A weight of glory, eternal
In Christ Jesus, our treasure.

God’s Morality or Mine?

For each day, we must choose
God’s morality, or mine
Follow His right and wrong
May we abide, in His vine.

Our Body, His Temple

So dear saint, seek purity
Flee immorality, lust
Let our body, God’s Temple
Be sanctified, in His trust.