Keep Interceding

That instead, of selfish pleasures
Intercede, for more salvations
The Lord Jesus, returns soon
We must pray for all nations.
By God’s Spirit

By Your Spirit, I’m reborn
By Your Spirit, empower
By Your Spirit, do direct
By Your Spirit, overpower.
Be Led of God’s Spirit

By constant prayer, keep seeking
Lest we wander, and fall
Ever dependent, await
God’s Word and wisdom, in all.

Do teach us to pray
To wrestle in prayer
With compassion, conviction
Certain our God, does care.
‘Instant’ Prayer

Yes, God will reply
As we lift holy hands
Be persistent, prevailing
Await on God’s plans.
God’s Schedule

God’s not in a hurry
He’s always on time
Foresees each event
Has His plans divine