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Once we’re strong in the Lord
And the power of His might
In the armor of God
Each temptation takes flight.

Wholly Organic?

Let God’s Word, be your food
Like Jeremiah, of old
Bringing joy, and rejoicing
As your heart, overflows.

Learn to Release

Have you learnt to release
Every burden you bear
Let go of each weight
And sin, to God’s care.

Get Rid of the Junk

Get rid of the junk
In your mind and heart
Wrong thoughts and motives
That mar, tear apart.

Duped by Distractions?

Are you caught up with ‘life’
Desires of the flesh
Deceived by the devil
Let this world enmesh?

Daily Repent

Do repent of all evil
Ungodly behavior
Daily dying to self
To abide in the Savior.