Churches are not Equipping
Instead equip, the saints for ministry
To train them for outreach
For the work of the ministry
To multiply, so all are reached.
Gathering AND Going?
So focus not, on just the gatherings
But go like Jesus, disciple training
Mentored His followers, to reproduce
Obey His Commission, go disciple-making!
Renewing the Church
Seem so few, will die to self
So ask Jesus, to start using
My life holy, be His witness
Disciple-making, reproducing.
The Mission Driven Church
With those gifted, to equip saints
For the work of the ministry
Edifying, the body of Christ,
To go multiply, in each vicinity.
Has the Church Lost Its Way?
Has the church, lost its way
Is it biblically sound?
Are we teaching to obey
So, disciple-makers are found?
Be God’s Gardener
We’re to sow and to reap
God’s harvest of souls
Disciple-making movements
Multiplication, God’s goal.
Study ‘Disciple Making Movements’
So, ‘Disciple Making Movements’ study
Learn of their tools, and techniques
How they obeyed, Jesus’ vision
Were faithful, and how they reap.
Discipleship or Disciple-making?
Not just missionaries, overseas
Nor pastors, evangelists
We’re each called, to reproduce
Be disciple-makers, be a catalyst.