Be One Little Light

So, let our little light
Shine forth, for God’s truth
Be His beacon, His lighthouse
Amidst darkness, untruth.
Our Thought Patterns

So, daily cleave to God’s Word
And set your mind above
Keep proclaiming, God’s promises
Denounce the devil, declare God’s love.
Fresh Manna

Not those verses from childhood
Nor the sermon last week
But fresh manna from heaven
The LORD, daily do seek.
Be His Lighthouse

In the midst of the night
When darkness, seems greatest
Know light, shines the brightest
So be strongest and bravest.
Our Compass

We all need, a true ‘compass’
To guide us through life
Will point, to God’s Truth
Amidst disputes and strife.
Gaining Wisdom

My son, receive my words
Treasure my commands
Incline your ear to wisdom
Apply your heart, to understand.
God’s Light Bearer

As we learn to obey, let us keep God’s word. With fear and trembling, fulfill all we heard.