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Our Labor-Never in Vain

Yes, keep praying and asking
For God’s kingdom to come
Despite men’s hardened hearts
Know His will, shall be done!


For You call me to partner
In Your image I’m made
To pray without ceasing
And see lives, remade.

Never in Vain

Yes, God keeps His Word
Ever faithful and true
Stand firm, claim His promises
Given freely to you.

God’s Grace to Endure

God’s pathways, to blessings
Are not comfort and ease
But God guides through trials
So stay faithful, and believe!

Basics of Prayer

Yes, do ask, ’twill be given
Do seek, you will find
Do knock, will be opened
Our heavenly Father, is kind.

Ask, Seek, Knock

Ask,’twill be given
Seek, and you’ll find
Knock, will be opened
….The Lord God reminds.