Be the Fragrance of Christ
Recognizing we are created
To always bring God, His glory
To uplift, and choose His will
To live for Him, life’s not my story.
Are You a Dreamer?
Yet our Master, Creator
Set limits, in love
Has given us guidance
The true Captain, above.
Are You Pressing On?
Are you pressing on upward
To reach higher ground
Are you seeking the Lord
In His presence be found?
Hungry for God?
you hungry and thirsty
To draw nearer, to God’s Presence
Know more of His love
And taste more, of His essence?
Seek Godliness with Contentment
Being godly, contented
Brings forth great gain
With food and clothing
We’re contented, remain.
Our Perspective
As we each, look around
With our values and goals
Are they centered on Christ
And the saving of souls?
Which Choice?
Yes, do follow God’s Word
Pray for His wisdom, in all
Call upon Him, to lead us
He surely answers our call.
Is ‘Self’ Your Goal?
Know God, our Creator
Remember, He is Lord
Created us, for His kingdom
In Christ, we’re restored.
Good Shepherd, do guide me
To make, heavenly choices
Yes, hearing Your will
Amongst many voices.
Examine Yourself
So few, stop to weigh
Consider wherein
Their values and faith
And worldview within.