His Earthen Vessels

We’re challenged, on every side
Not crushed, tho’ hard-pressed
But thro’ Jesus, not despairing
Our Great Potter, knows best.
Futility or Fullness?

And put on the new man
Created according to God
In true righteousness and holiness
In His fullness, now daily trod.
Take Time to be Holy

In God’s Vine, keep abiding
As His branch, bearing fruit
Stay dependent, keep praying
Christ-likeness, your pursuit.
Lamp Problems?

Is your light shining bright
For the glory of God
Or has your wick dimmed
On the journey you trod?
Filled with God’s Fullness

So filled with God’s Spirit
No room left for me
For I died with Christ
Hallelujah, set free.
Earthen Vessels

So dear saint, do not focus
On outer flaws, your external
Know God searches hearts
‘Tis our soul, that’s eternal.