Completing the Reformation

Luther’s reformation fell short
Some key teaching, forsaking
Overlooked Jesus’ Commission
Equipping saints, for disciple-making.
Teaching the Multitude, Training the Few

Not more passive pew-sitters
But Jesus vision, and power
Make multiplying, disciple-makers
‘Tis the need of our hour.
Jesus’ Commission, or Western Traditions?

So may our churches, Bible Schools
Seminaries, obey Jesus’ mission
Start equipping, train ALL Believers
To fulfill, Jesus’ Great Commission.
Seminaries or Cemeteries?

So, in place of ‘higher learning’
Seminaries, Bible schools
We should focus, on Jesus’ command
On ‘Disciple-making,’ we can’t improve.
Pew Sitting, or Disciple Making?

So pray God, stir our churches
Seminaries, bible schools
Learn the ‘how-to’, of disciple-making
Outside the classroom… spread Good News.
Converts or Disciple Makers?

Too few, Pastors and Leaders
Obey Jesus’ Great Commission
By equipping, disciple making
Recruiting others, to His mission.