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A Circumcised Heart

A new creature in Christ
The old, has passed away
A circumcision, without hands
Jesus opened, a new way.

The Chabad

With no Temple, no blood offering
God’s Law and Prophets foretold
They deny Messiah, Yeshua
Who alone … for all atoned.

Is Your Heart Circumcised?

Be repentant, not rebellious
Obedient, His Spirit-filled
Submitted, not stubborn
Seek God, not self-willed.

Time to Start Loving

Too often, each day
It’s all about me
My feelings and thoughts
Too self-centered, I see.

My Jewish Background

Grew up with tradition
Lived under the Law
Rabbinical Judaism, Yiddish
Was the life that I saw.

Israel’s Idolatry

So, pause and reflect
Does God fill your heart
Or have you hidden idols
That ensnare you, in part?