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No Matter Our Lot

Know God’s love, joy and peace
Are not fruits of circumstances
But fruits of His Spirit
Keep abiding, we’re His branches.

Finding Joy In Our Trials

Yes, do count it all joy
In the midst of your trials
God is working, to produce
Active endurance, as He disciples.

His Earthen Vessels

We’re challenged, on every side
Not crushed, tho’ hard-pressed
But thro’ Jesus, not despairing
Our Great Potter, knows best.

Victorious Suffering

Set our mind, on things above
Tho’ still suffering, not healed
Be not focused, on our feelings
Walk by faith, in our ordeal.

Chronic Suffering and Pain

So, while we may not be healed
Nor from suffering, delivered
But instead of dejection
We can rejoice, not be embittered.

Failing, Falling or Faith?

When we’re failing and falling
And we’re hitting, rock bottom
We can stand, on Christ Jesus
Our sure Rock, and still blossom.


Once we’re strong in the Lord
And the power of His might
In the armor of God
Each temptation takes flight.

Faith or Frustrations?

Not to dwell, on sin and failure
Rather focus, on the LORD
See beyond, my upset feelings
Trusting God, see blessings poured.