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Our Idols

So do seek, God’s Kingdom
He is eternal, omnipotent
Omniscient, omnipresent
Whilst our idols, are impotent.

Our Culture

For since man’s creation
Rebellion arose
Ever scheming in darkness
An insurrection that grows.

Our Commander in Chief

Our Commander in Chief
The LORD God Almighty
Will leave none of His people
Is ever faithful, not flighty.

Our Collapsing Culture

So, pray for righteous rulers
Our freedoms, and foundations
Repentance of God’s people
Heal our land, this great nation.

My People

Though God has chastised
They faced every threat
But His Covenant people
He does not forget.

My Jewish Background

Grew up with tradition
Lived under the Law
Rabbinical Judaism, Yiddish
Was the life that I saw.

Modern Man

We’ve no need for God
We’ll manage just fine
Will run our own lives
Without the divine.

Modern Israel

Scattered, through sin
The scriptures foretold
Now fulfilling prophesy
God’s Word of old.


Memorial Day

Remember and honor
Those lives that were lost
All those serving us
They paid such a cost.