Suppressing The Truth
So, learn from our culture
God’s Truth, don’t suppress
Guard God’s Word, and purpose
Only then, you’ll be blessed.
Suppress Truth for a Lie
Their thoughts become futile
Their foolish hearts darkened
Professing to be wise
Become fools, and hardened.
Spiritual Decline in our Nation
Yes, the day will draw nigh
When judgment will come
For the day of great trouble
Know God’s shelter, His Son.
Social Revolution
Our foundation’s fast crumbling
The Constitution dismantled
In the Congress and courts
God’s truths, are now cancelled.
Rabbinical Judaism
And Rabbinical Judaism
Then raised itself higher
Above, the One prophesized
Denied Yeshua, God’s Messiah.
Profane Fire
So, study the Scriptures
Of men’s motives and methods
For what the LORD seeks
To be used, as His vessel.
We’re each of us, prodigals
All sheep, gone astray
Like Adam and Eve
We choose our own way.
The Holocaust
Over six million Jews
In Europe were slain
Sadistically murdered
Causing mayhem and pain.
The Jew
The mystery of history
The Jew still remains
Preserved, indestructible
Despite sorrow and pain.
Power Struggles
A look into history
The power struggles of man
Within families and nations
Constant scheming, and scams.