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Atheism is Dead

With our universe, so vast
Such complexity, of all
So balanced, maintained
Before God, we must fall.

Always Seek the Truth

Though our culture condones
Approves of deception
Know God, our Creator
Expects truth, no exception.

Tyrannical Rulers

And know God, will avenge
All, the wicked and evil
Blessing His saints
Rewarding His people.

Truth or Delusion?

Still, so many today
Discard truths of scripture
Replaced by their ideas
Their feelings, their fiction.

Suppressing The Truth

So, learn from our culture
God’s Truth, don’t suppress
Guard God’s Word, and purpose
Only then, you’ll be blessed.

Suppress Truth for a Lie

Their thoughts become futile
Their foolish hearts darkened
Professing to be wise
Become fools, and hardened.

Our Commander in Chief

Our Commander in Chief
The LORD God Almighty
Will leave none of His people
Is ever faithful, not flighty.

Modern Man

We’ve no need for God
We’ll manage just fine
Will run our own lives
Without the divine.

Loving the Darkness?

With many hating the light
Truly, loving the darkness
Still consider, they’re ‘good’
But reject God, in hardness.