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The heavens declare, God’s glory
The firmament, shows His handiwork
Without speech, nor language
Yet sends a message, clearly heard.

Keeping Kosher?

Then Rabbi Yeshua, our Messiah
Replied: “Do you not perceive
Whatever enters a man from outside
Cannot defile him”…be not deceived.

God Defines, not the Rabbis

With destruction, of the Temple
No more offerings, blood sacrifice
Instead of faith, in God’s salvation
Rabbis decided ‘works’, will suffice.

Day of Atonement

Yet Yom Kippur, now has no offering
Cannot atone, no perfect ram
For Yeshua, The Mashiach
Already came, fulfilled God’s plan.

Rabbinical Writings or God’s Word?

With destruction, of the Temple
No more offerings, blood sacrifice
Instead of faith, in God’s salvation
Rabbis decided ‘works’, will suffice.

USA Political Party Backgrounds

So racial equality, civil rights
Who to vote for, who to reject
Which political party has hindered
Which political party has helped?

Designed by God or Man?

God has written in letters
Thro’ DNA, in code
Within every cell
His signature, bestowed.