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Deceived or Devoted?

Like Adam and Eve
We too face temptation
So be devoted to God
Or be deceived, by Satan?

Firm Up Our Foundations

For we face, moral collapse
Such cultural confusion
Great division, deception
Must return, to God’s solution.

Always Seek the Truth

Though our culture condones
Approves of deception
Know God, our Creator
Expects truth, no exception.

Power Struggles

A look into history
The power struggles of man
Within families and nations
Constant scheming, and scams.

Our Collapsing Culture

So, pray for righteous rulers
Our freedoms, and foundations
Repentance of God’s people
Heal our land, this great nation.

Needles and Drugs

Though knowing the truth
Compulsions fierce hound
Alone, cannot free
O, so helplessly bound.

In the World, Tribulation

Dwelling not, on the darkness
But spread truth and light
Reflecting God’s glory
Let your lamp, shine bright.

Hiding from Truth

They’re hiding from truth
Their heads in the sand
Seeking power and profit
So the truth, is banned

Healing Our Land

God offers a promise
If His people will pray
And humble ourselves
Walk in His way.