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Deceived or Devoted?

Like Adam and Eve
We too face temptation
So be devoted to God
Or be deceived, by Satan?

Firm Up Our Foundations

For we face, moral collapse
Such cultural confusion
Great division, deception
Must return, to God’s solution.

Truth or Delusion?

Still, so many today
Discard truths of scripture
Replaced by their ideas
Their feelings, their fiction.

The Prosperity Gospel

To be healthy and wealthy
They claim, ‘tis our right
But no scriptures support this
‘Tis mistaken insight.

The Dying Church

The people, mostly passive
And pews often empty
Spiritual fires, long died
Yet traditions are plenty.

Suppressing The Truth

So, learn from our culture
God’s Truth, don’t suppress
Guard God’s Word, and purpose
Only then, you’ll be blessed.

Suppress Truth for a Lie

Their thoughts become futile
Their foolish hearts darkened
Professing to be wise
Become fools, and hardened.