Drifting or Destined?
And so end our drifting, lostness
Destined for God’s glory, pleasure
Not our selfishness, but through Christ
In Him only, become His treasure.
Atheists-without Truth
While atheists, dismiss God
And all things, supernatural
Are left empty and hopeless
Their worldview, purely natural.
We’ve Awoken to ‘Woke’
So, return back to God’s Word
And build not, on sinking sand
A society defined by ‘wokeness’
Know, it simply cannot stand.
Not Seeking, Not Finding
And God gave us His Bible
The story of Israel, of man
Our fall, need for redemption
Messiah Jesus, God’s plan.
Atheism’s Dilemma
On the one hand, materialism
On the other, hope and feelings
Our relationships, ambitions
Our morality and meaning.
Our Foundation and Worldview
Yes, do build upon God’s Word
Not ideas, man produces
Our foundation, built on Truth
Not the latest, our culture chooses.
Bound… in the ‘Land of the Free’
In this ‘Land of the Free’
So many, feel bound
Became captive, to our culture
That confuses, confounds.
We place greatest value
On money, possessions
Appearance and name
It’s become an obsession.
Firm Up Our Foundations
For we face, moral collapse
Such cultural confusion
Great division, deception
Must return, to God’s solution.
Atheism is Dead
With our universe, so vast
Such complexity, of all
So balanced, maintained
Before God, we must fall.