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Social Revolution

Our foundation’s fast crumbling
The Constitution dismantled
In the Congress and courts
God’s truths, are now cancelled.

Our Collapsing Culture

So, pray for righteous rulers
Our freedoms, and foundations
Repentance of God’s people
Heal our land, this great nation.

Hiding from Truth

They’re hiding from truth
Their heads in the sand
Seeking power and profit
So the truth, is banned

Healing Our Land

God offers a promise
If His people will pray
And humble ourselves
Walk in His way.

Heal Our Land

Our values and virtues
Keep slipping and sliding
An ungodly attack
Redefining, undermining.

Given up, Given over

As we give up on God
So, God gives us over
And the farther we stray
Our lives darken, sink lower.

Fix the Foundations

And what is true for our nation
Is clearly, true for each one So, examine your foundation
Build on God’s Word, and His Son.

Decline of the USA

First pray for our country
That righteousness reign
That God heal our land
Send revival again.