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From Questions to Commitment

With each worldview different answers,
Made in God’s image, Judeo-Christian.
With only Jesus addressing evil,
Conquered sin, restores and listens.

Our Journey

Who am I, my meaning?
Just why am I here?
My purpose, my mission?
Few have ears to hear.

Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement

Despite our striving to be ‘good’
We fall short, are unrighteous
Messiah’s offering, atonement
By faith, we’re made righteous.

We’ve Awoken to ‘Woke’

So, return back to God’s Word
And build not, on sinking sand
A society defined by ‘wokeness’
Know, it simply cannot stand.

A Complete Jew

Trusting, God’s Messiah
His Son, offered for our sin
To forgive us, make us righteous
Circumcise us within.

Not Seeking, Not Finding

And God gave us His Bible
The story of Israel, of man
Our fall, need for redemption
Messiah Jesus, God’s plan.

Are We Poor in Spirit?

Are we humble and lowly
Or proud, self-serving
Are exalting ourself
Or submissive, subserving?

Poor in Spirit?

Are so weary of self
All the efforts you make
Self-reliance, self-ambitions
All fleshly, vain mistakes.

Driven by Hatred or Love?

Jesus showed forth God’s love
Crucified, for me and you
Had cried “Father, forgive them
They know not, what they do. “

Rabbinical or Messianic Judaism?

“Therefore, you shall be perfect
Just as your Father in heaven”
Yeshua, the perfect Lamb of God
Messiah’s offering, for our transgression.