Flesh or Spirit?
In Christ we are righteous
Through Him, overcome
By His Spirit, victorious
Our battles are won!
Be Creative
Yes, we each are creative
Thro’ our creation, proclaim.
God’s glory and honor
And do all in His Name.
Jewish Persecution
Till today, Israel fights
Now back in her land
Freed from Hitler’s hatred
Instead, Hamas’ evil plans.
Learn from the Ungodly
Rejecting their God
Were a rebellious people
They served Baal, false idols
And, committed great evil.
The Jewish Messiah Foretold
While the ‘Tanach’, Old Testament
Clearly details, Messiah’s picture
Most Pharisees, rejecting Jesus
The One fulfilling, God’s scripture.
God Doesn’t Believe In Luck!
So, life is not random ‘luck’
God knows our will and ways
Sees our heart’s intent
God decides our lot, always.
Six-Day Creation
While many deny
A six-day, creation
God clearly spells out
His exact time, duration.
An Observant Jew ?
Are your sins simply covered
Or taken away
Are you hoping good deeds
Will save on that Day?
Compromised or Consecrated?
Like Israel of old
We’re to purge our lives
Drive out, all our foes
Know God’s blessings, and thrive.
Abandoning Truth
With this message, to our culture
A great warning, seek God’s truth
All must face God, in judgment
Our sin, rebellion, has no excuse.