My Jewish Background-Tefillin (Phylacteries)
So while able, to wrap Tefillin Had my inner barrier, of sin
Understood, Messiah Yeshua
Forgives and purifies, within.
Exchanging the Truth, for a Lie
Their thoughts become futile
Their foolish hearts darkened
Professing to be wise
Become fools, and hardened.
Designed by God or Man?
God has written in letters
Thro’ DNA, in code
Within every cell
His signature, bestowed.
The Foundation of Our Nation
For we face, moral collapse
Such cultural confusion
Great division, deception
Must return, to God’s solution.
In Political Contributions They Trust?
God offers a promise
If His people will pray
And humble ourselves
Walk in His way.
A Shameful Olympic Opening
So, instead of Truth and Light
Are facing judgment, and perdition
Pray these scoffers, blind and lost
Repent and trust Jesus, His mission.
Our Moral Collapse
For we face, moral collapse
Such cultural confusion
Great division, deception
Must return, to God’s solution.
Our Vision
We need vision to see
Our prime purpose in life
Fulfilling god’s calling
In this world of strife.
Drifting or Transforming ?
Then in place of merely drifting
If His child, and we obey
Seek His Word and His Spirit
Be transformed, by Christ each day.
Be Honest and True
O the depth of His love
For the weakest and worn
For the honest of heart
God begins a new dawn.