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Needles and Drugs

Though knowing the truth
Compulsions fierce hound
Alone, cannot free
O, so helplessly bound.

Modern Man

We’ve no need for God
We’ll manage just fine
Will run our own lives
Without the divine.

Loving the Darkness?

With many hating the light
Truly, loving the darkness
Still consider, they’re ‘good’
But reject God, in hardness.

Jesus’ Warning

They claim ‘Climate change’
Not our God, He controls
Sent fierce rains, as a warning
Widespread flooding, took hold.

In the World, Tribulation

Dwelling not, on the darkness
But spread truth and light
Reflecting God’s glory
Let your lamp, shine bright.

Hiding from Truth

They’re hiding from truth
Their heads in the sand
Seeking power and profit
So the truth, is banned

Healing Our Land

God offers a promise
If His people will pray
And humble ourselves
Walk in His way.

Heal Our Land

Our values and virtues
Keep slipping and sliding
An ungodly attack
Redefining, undermining.