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Jesus’ Warning

They claim ‘Climate change’
Not our God, He controls
Sent fierce rains, as a warning
Widespread flooding, took hold.

Is Your Religion Dead?

…But Jesus warns, those ‘religious’
Think you’re righteous, not in need
But you’re wretched and miserable
Poor, blind, naked indeed.

Hiding from Truth

They’re hiding from truth
Their heads in the sand
Seeking power and profit
So the truth, is banned

Given up, Given over

As we give up on God
So, God gives us over
And the farther we stray
Our lives darken, sink lower.

Fix the Foundations

And what is true for our nation
Is clearly, true for each one So, examine your foundation
Build on God’s Word, and His Son.


Instead of an act
Prepared by our pride
We need to admit
We are failures inside.


Instead of an act
Prepared by our pride
We need to admit
We are failures inside.

Evidence of God

Yet the heavens declare
The glory of God
And the firmaments show forth
His handiwork abroad.

Covid Madness

The vaccines don’t work
Fail to stop more outbreaks
The vaccinated catch Covid
With vaccines, a cruel mistake.