Jesus’ Be-Attitudes
Jesus taught how to be
In our attitudes, our nature
What to strive for, as goals
Become like our Creator.
Righteous or Religious?
So not my works, self-efforts
My offerings, being zealous
But Jesus only, makes pure
By faith righteous, not religious.
Our Foundation and Worldview
Yes, do build upon God’s Word
Not ideas, man produces
Our foundation, built on Truth
Not the latest, our culture chooses.
We place greatest value
On money, possessions
Appearance and name
It’s become an obsession.
Wandering Teens
But Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Every promise, does keep
Full of mercy and grace
Ever seeks out, lost sheep.
Truth or Delusion?
Still, so many today
Discard truths of scripture
Replaced by their ideas
Their feelings, their fiction.
Our ‘Religious’ Facade
So lay aside, our excuses
And false ‘religious’ façade
Come humbly and repent
Seek transformation, from God.
Our Idols
So do seek, God’s Kingdom
He is eternal, omnipotent
Omniscient, omnipresent
Whilst our idols, are impotent.
Our Customers, are #1
While our options are few
Through it all, we grew
Learn to trust God, not man
He is faithful, and true.
Our Culture
For since man’s creation
Rebellion arose
Ever scheming in darkness
An insurrection that grows.