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Our Foundation and Worldview

Yes, do build upon God’s Word
Not ideas, man produces
Our foundation, built on Truth
Not the latest, our culture chooses.

Believing Lies

The deception of Satan
Is no different today
He appeals to our thoughts
To our desires, lead us astray.

A Rusty Old Car

For He saw we were broken
Like the rusty old shell
But in love He redeemed
From the scrapyard of hell.

Firm Up Our Foundations

For we face, moral collapse
Such cultural confusion
Great division, deception
Must return, to God’s solution.

Always Seek the Truth

Though our culture condones
Approves of deception
Know God, our Creator
Expects truth, no exception.

Wandering Teens

But Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Every promise, does keep
Full of mercy and grace
Ever seeks out, lost sheep.

The Prosperity Gospel

To be healthy and wealthy
They claim, ‘tis our right
But no scriptures support this
‘Tis mistaken insight.