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Drifting or Transforming ?

Then in place of merely drifting
If His child, and we obey
Seek His Word and His Spirit
Be transformed, by Christ each day.

Be Honest and True

O the depth of His love
For the weakest and worn
For the honest of heart
God begins a new dawn.

Be Creative

Yes, we each are creative
Thro’ our creation, proclaim.
God’s glory and honor
And do all in His Name.

Six-Day Creation

While many deny
A six-day, creation
God clearly spells out
His exact time, duration.

Abandoning Truth

With this message, to our culture
A great warning, seek God’s truth
All must face God, in judgment
Our sin, rebellion, has no excuse.

Drifting or Destined?

And so end our drifting, lostness
Destined for God’s glory, pleasure
Not our selfishness, but through Christ
In Him only, become His treasure.

God’s Design and Word

God has written in letters
Thro’ DNA, in code
Within every cell
His signature, bestowed.

We’ve Awoken to ‘Woke’

So, return back to God’s Word
And build not, on sinking sand
A society defined by ‘wokeness’
Know, it simply cannot stand.

Atheism’s Dilemma

On the one hand, materialism
On the other, hope and feelings
Our relationships, ambitions
Our morality and meaning.