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Social Revolution

Our foundation’s fast crumbling
The Constitution dismantled
In the Congress and courts
God’s truths, are now cancelled.

Progressing from the Truth

Yes, weigh all the evidence
Read history, seek proof
For social soundness, and blessings
God’s Word, points to Truth.

Power Struggles

A look into history
The power struggles of man
Within families and nations
Constant scheming, and scams.

Our ‘Religious’ Facade

So lay aside, our excuses
And false ‘religious’ façade
Come humbly and repent
Seek transformation, from God.

Our Idols

So do seek, God’s Kingdom
He is eternal, omnipotent
Omniscient, omnipresent
Whilst our idols, are impotent.

Our Culture

For since man’s creation
Rebellion arose
Ever scheming in darkness
An insurrection that grows.

Our Commander in Chief

Our Commander in Chief
The LORD God Almighty
Will leave none of His people
Is ever faithful, not flighty.

Our Collapsing Culture

So, pray for righteous rulers
Our freedoms, and foundations
Repentance of God’s people
Heal our land, this great nation.

Modern Man

We’ve no need for God
We’ll manage just fine
Will run our own lives
Without the divine.

Loving the Darkness?

With many hating the light
Truly, loving the darkness
Still consider, they’re ‘good’
But reject God, in hardness.