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Drifting or Transforming ?

Then in place of merely drifting
If His child, and we obey
Seek His Word and His Spirit
Be transformed, by Christ each day.

Be Honest and True

O the depth of His love
For the weakest and worn
For the honest of heart
God begins a new dawn.

Flesh or Spirit?

In Christ we are righteous
Through Him, overcome
By His Spirit, victorious
Our battles are won!

Learn from the Ungodly

Rejecting their God
Were a rebellious people
They served Baal, false idols
And, committed great evil.

Abandoning Truth

With this message, to our culture
A great warning, seek God’s truth
All must face God, in judgment
Our sin, rebellion, has no excuse.

Drifting or Destined?

And so end our drifting, lostness
Destined for God’s glory, pleasure
Not our selfishness, but through Christ
In Him only, become His treasure.

We’ve Awoken to ‘Woke’

So, return back to God’s Word
And build not, on sinking sand
A society defined by ‘wokeness’
Know, it simply cannot stand.

Jesus’ Be-Attitudes

Jesus taught how to be
In our attitudes, our nature
What to strive for, as goals
Become like our Creator.

Righteous or Religious?

So not my works, self-efforts
My offerings, being zealous
But Jesus only, makes pure
By faith righteous, not religious.

Our Foundation and Worldview

Yes, do build upon God’s Word
Not ideas, man produces
Our foundation, built on Truth
Not the latest, our culture chooses.