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Needles and Drugs

Though knowing the truth
Compulsions fierce hound
Alone, cannot free
O, so helplessly bound.

Modern Man

We’ve no need for God
We’ll manage just fine
Will run our own lives
Without the divine.

Man’s Arrogance

For, despite science mounting
Demanding a Grand Designer
Still, man in his pride
Disregards, our great Provider.

Lukewarm Churches

Our nation is filled
Churches lukewarm, some dead
Claiming they’re Christian
But God’s Spirit has fled.

Jesus’ Warning

They claim ‘Climate change’
Not our God, He controls
Sent fierce rains, as a warning
Widespread flooding, took hold.


For all evidence is missing
Instead, the real truth
Shows no Islamic Mohamed
And differing Korans, in dispute.

Is Your Religion Dead?

…But Jesus warns, those ‘religious’
Think you’re righteous, not in need
But you’re wretched and miserable
Poor, blind, naked indeed.

Hiding from Truth

They’re hiding from truth
Their heads in the sand
Seeking power and profit
So the truth, is banned

Fix the Foundations

And what is true for our nation
Is clearly, true for each one So, examine your foundation
Build on God’s Word, and His Son.