We place greatest value
On money, possessions
Appearance and name
It’s become an obsession.
Firm Up Our Foundations
For we face, moral collapse
Such cultural confusion
Great division, deception
Must return, to God’s solution.
Always Seek the Truth
Though our culture condones
Approves of deception
Know God, our Creator
Expects truth, no exception.
Wandering Teens
But Jesus, the Good Shepherd
Every promise, does keep
Full of mercy and grace
Ever seeks out, lost sheep.
Truth or Delusion?
Still, so many today
Discard truths of scripture
Replaced by their ideas
Their feelings, their fiction.
The Prosperity Gospel
To be healthy and wealthy
They claim, ‘tis our right
But no scriptures support this
‘Tis mistaken insight.
The Dying Church
The people, mostly passive
And pews often empty
Spiritual fires, long died
Yet traditions are plenty.
The Big Picture
Instead walk by faith
Live for Christ, in submission
Be holy and loving
Fulfil His Great Commission.
Suppressing The Truth
So, learn from our culture
God’s Truth, don’t suppress
Guard God’s Word, and purpose
Only then, you’ll be blessed.
Suppress Truth for a Lie
Their thoughts become futile
Their foolish hearts darkened
Professing to be wise
Become fools, and hardened.