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Our ‘Flesh’ has to Die

So have we died with Christ
Our flesh on the Cross?
Are we carnal and selfish
Or count all things as loss?


Cease expectations from the other
That we long, they will provide
Our deeper needs, seek from God
So, bear His fruit, in Him abide.

Relationships and Our Heart

So may our hearts, love God and people
God, daily search me, know my heart
Reveal all barriers, or wicked ways
Cleanse, transform me, a new start.

A Call to Repentance

Start a fire, LORD we ask
And burn up the dross
Great repentance and turning
Before yet more, are lost.

From Questions to Commitment

With each worldview different answers,
Made in God’s image, Judeo-Christian.
With only Jesus addressing evil,
Conquered sin, restores and listens.

Our Journey

Who am I, my meaning?
Just why am I here?
My purpose, my mission?
Few have ears to hear.

God’s Forgiveness

So coming daily, in repentance
Wash me whiter than snow
The blood of Jesus, still cleanses
God’s forgiveness, ever flows.

An Ark or a Cross?

So, the ark saved in this world
With protection and provision
While Jesus’ cross, offers His life
For both here, and in heaven.

“I Never Knew You”

Yes, are wearing Jesus’ Name
And call themselves Christians
But are not born again
So rebellious, no contrition.