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It is Finished

Then He rose, conquered sin
Death and the grave
Reigns victorious, evermore
Through His blood, we are saved.

His Love Would Not Die

Was hung up to die
Know love, held Him there
Tho’ bleeding and dying
Was forgiving, in prayer.

His Cup or Our Cup?

Yes He drank, facing wrath
God’s judgment for sin
Tho’ not for Himself
But, the wicked to win.

His Blood

O, the blood of Jesus
More precious, than all gold
Washes sinners, clean and pure
Such grace, our God unfolds.


Forgiveness depends
Not on the offender
They may have done wrong
Jesus tells us, be a forgiver.

Forgiveness or Feelings

While Jesus, showed love
Forgiveness, not hate
Building bridges, not walls
To unite, not separate.

Counted Worthy to Suffer

And we trust not in self
Despair even of life
But ’tis God, who will raise us
Out of suffering, and strife.

A Man of Sorrows

Though we live, amidst battles
We’ve daily victory, with Jesus
Yes, we too, may face sorrows
But rejoice, He ever meets us.