Fearing God for Gain?
So, Satan asked God
“Does Job fear You, for nothing
Is His worship sincere
Or does he want something?”
Facing the Furnace
As Daniel, and friends
Faced a fierce, fiery furnace
Said “Our God, can deliver
And if not, we still serve Him”.
Facing Temptation
The world, thro’ its culture
The flesh, and our feelings
The devil’s deceptions
Temptations, so appealing.
Facing Hardships
He uses all, for our good
Perfecting within
As He purges the dross
All that selfishness, sin.
Facing Great Trials
Tho’ the fig tree not blossom
With no fruit, on the vine
The olive tree fail…..
Trust the Lord God, divine.
Facing Adversity
Have you learnt to give thanks
Though adversities grow
Can you trust in the Lord
When no answers show?
Enduring Life’s Hardships
Yet despite persecution
Face hardship and suffering
May Jesus, be exalted
Be His sacrifice , a holy offering.
Embrace Trials
Yes, embrace every trial
Each test of your faith
Be transformed, to His likeness
Trust God, to recreate.
Duped by Distractions?
Are you caught up with ‘life’
Desires of the flesh
Deceived by the devil
Let this world enmesh?
Dry Times
So, learn to trust God
Despite deserts around
Pursue God, be assured
That your faith, may abound.