Seeing Our Sin
So, ponder sin’s price
Such suffering, separation
Jesus’ death on a cross
For His own creation.
Prayer is the Battle
For prayer, is the ground
Where God’s victory is won
So, persist and prevail
‘Till the enemy’s undone.
Our God Fights for Us
So too, claim Christ’s victory
For with Him, you are bound
Do wait on the LORD
As His child, He surrounds.
Our Battle
We fight on three fronts
And battle away
The world, and the flesh
And the devil, each day.
Open the Eyes of My Heart
O God, guard and guide us
Alone, we’ve no power
Against this great multitude
Come protect us, this hour.
No more Sickness, nor Suffering
As we worship our King
No distractions, nor despair
No trials, nor temptations
All perfect splendor, forever there.
Let God Arise
Yes, let God arise
His enemies be scattered
Those who hate Him, flee
His adversaries, shattered.
Healing and Deliverance
Hallelujah, God’s Word
For those that believe
His Spirit still healing
Delivers, all who receive.
God’s Armor
Put on God’s whole armor
To withstand that day
And having done all
We stand, and pray.
Filled with God’s Fullness
So filled with God’s Spirit
No room left for me
For I died with Christ
Hallelujah, set free.