Healing and Deliverance
Hallelujah, God’s Word
For those that believe
His Spirit still healing
Delivers, all who receive.
God’s Armor
Put on God’s whole armor
To withstand that day
And having done all
We stand, and pray.
Filled with God’s Fullness
So filled with God’s Spirit
No room left for me
For I died with Christ
Hallelujah, set free.
Fighting in Prayer
And the fiercer the fight
The more we depend
On our Captain, His army
To defeat and defend.
Facing Our Giants
Step forward in faith
Hold fast to God’s Son
Despite enemies fierce
Fear not, He has won.
As we wait on the Lord
He will lift from the pit
Set our feet on His Rock
His loud praises, submit!
We wrestle not, flesh and blood
In His strength, cry aloud
Cast out every demon
In Jesus’ Name, ‘Come out’
D is for Devil
We’re living in darkness
The devil’s at work
Sowing deception
Disinformation and dirt.
Breakthrough Prayer
Yes, in need of a breakthrough
That God would step in
Lest the enemies conquer
Through our weakness within.
Be A Good Soldier
As you waken each morn
Put your feet out of bed
Will you turn to the Lord
A good soldier, Spirit led?