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Making Sense of the Gaza War

For behind all the bloodshed
A spiritual war, deploys
With dark forces of evil
Seek God’s chosen, to destroy.

Pray for Somalia

Yes LORD, open doors
Despite such oppression
Midst violence and fear
Make Somalia, Your possession.

Our Prayer Battles

So, persevering in prayer
Asking God, to guide
How to pray, what to claim
He’ll reply, and provide.

Healing Our Land

God offers a promise
If His people will pray
And humble ourselves
Walk in His way.

Heal Our Land

Our values and virtues
Keep slipping and sliding
An ungodly attack
Redefining, undermining.

Facing Our Giants

Step forward in faith
Hold fast to God’s Son
Despite enemies fierce
Fear not, He has won.


As we wait on the Lord
He will lift from the pit
Set our feet on His Rock
His loud praises, submit!

D is for Devil

We’re living in darkness
The devil’s at work
Sowing deception
Disinformation and dirt.

Baby Ruth

And tossed baby Ruth
Into the bushes
Yet God surely guarded
As with Moses, midst bushes.