Our Wisest Choice
Know, in saving our life
Jesus said, we shall lose it
But if losing for Christ
We gain, God’s Holy Spirit.
Our Perspective
As we each, look around
With our values and goals
Are they centered on Christ
And the saving of souls?
Our Passions
Yet, as we journey on
Do think on your passions
On sin and God’s judgment
Eternity, what happens?
Our Greatest Need
Then, your greatest need
God has promised to fill it
If repenting, believing
Salvation, God’s Spirit.
Our Culture, or His Cross?
Will we live then for ‘self’
And our feelings that fail?
Or follow our God
Know, His truths will prevail.
Jars of Clay
We’re just, jars of clay
Mere, earthen vessels
Yet we choose, how to fill
Be unique, and special.
Is ‘Self’ Your Goal?
Know God, our Creator
Remember, He is Lord
Created us, for His kingdom
In Christ, we’re restored.
Great Falling Away
The flames may have died
Fierce passions, ran dry
Many churches, dwindling
Are now asking why?
Filling Our Carton
Yes, our carton gets filled
For we all choose contents
Either God’s will and truths
Or man’s changing concepts.
Everything Worthy
Everything worthy
Comes at great price
And our life is a quandary
Till yielded to Christ.