Which Choice?
Yes, do follow God’s Word
Pray for His wisdom, in all
Call upon Him, to lead us
He surely answers our call.
Our Busyness or God’s Presence?
So, one thing most needed
Amidst our busyness, each day
To surrender, keep calling
Asking LORD, show the way.
If We will but Heed
But should we rebel
Turn from God’s Word
Disobey His commands
We surely are cursed.
Good Shepherd, do guide me
To make, heavenly choices
Yes, hearing Your will
Amongst many voices.
Great Falling Away
The flames may have died
Fierce passions, ran dry
Many churches, dwindling
Are now asking why?
Free Will
But God waits for our choices
His love, forces not
Forewarns us, of outcomes
Yet we choose our lot.
Wanting to Fail?
So easily deceived
Follow flesh, not God’s Spirit
Refusing to repent
Their choice, God fulfils it!
Filling Our Carton
Yes, our carton gets filled
For we all choose contents
Either God’s will and truths
Or man’s changing concepts.
Earthly Pleasures, or Heavenly Treasures?
Yes, He told us our purpose
Is God’s glory and pleasure
That sin separates
Revealed He, is our treasure.
Don’t Look Back
No compromised commitment
And no looking back
Surely God, deserves all
Christ is worthy….we never lack!