Be the Fragrance of Christ
Recognizing we are created
To always bring God, His glory
To uplift, and choose His will
To live for Him, life’s not my story.
Don’t Harden Your Heart
Don’t harden your heart
Staying stubborn, defiant
With grievances, grudges
Hard-headed, self-reliant.
Not an Option
With three billion, unaware
Of Jesus’ Name, to our shame
Let us pray, give and go
’tis our duty, and aim.
The flames may have died
Fierce passions, ran dry
Many churches, dwindling
Are now asking why?
Are You a Fool?
The fool says in his heart
There is no God
Who declares them corrupt
Abominable… none does good?
Take Responsibility for Our Failures
Learn from Adam, our wrongs
We must own, and not hide
Nor blame others, but confess
And repent…. in Christ abide.
Only Two Paths
So, choose to walk God’s way
His good paths, of righteousness
By faith we follow Jesus
Cleansed of, all unrighteousness.
Just Existing, or Purpose-Living?
To surrender and yield
As His possession, daily walking
Not existing, but fulfilling
God’s purposes and calling.
Foolish or Wise?
The fear of the LORD
Is the beginning of wisdom
But fools, despise God
His rule, and His kingdom.
God Uses Man
So forsake selfish wants
Earthly pleasures and pressures
Instead “Here am I”
“LORD, You are my treasure.”