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Sinking or Seeking God ?

For we’re made, for His glory
For His will, and pleasure
Our life, is not ours
We are His special treasure.

Who is to Blame?

So, acknowledge our blame
Whenever, we succumb
To wrong lusts, and desires
Repent, seeking God’s Son.

Accept Responsibility

For we’re given free will
Seek eternal treasures
Yes, choose God and His ways
Not fleeting, fleshly pleasures.

Are You Pressing On?

Are you pressing on upward
To reach higher ground
Are you seeking the Lord
In His presence be found?

Hungry for God?

you hungry and thirsty
To draw nearer, to God’s Presence
Know more of His love
And taste more, of His essence?

Truly Transformed

Learn to pray, to trust Him
Become a branch, in His vine
Abiding daily, bear His fruit
So live depending, on God divine.

True Gain

For he is no fool
Who gives, what he can’t keep
To gain, what he can’t lose
But instead, greatly reap.

Too Busy?

So, be resting in Christ
Be not worried, and troubled
Not a Martha, but a Mary
With the Master, triumphal!