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Our Greatest Need

Then, your greatest need
God has promised to fill it
If repenting, believing
Salvation, God’s Spirit.

Our Gifts & Talents

Thro’ His Spirit, God gives
In His people, are sown
Differing talents and gifts
That His glory, be known.

Our Duty or Choice?

Do learn, sit and listen
To hear the Lord’s voice
Seek His face, and presence
‘Tis our duty, not a choice.

Our Culture, or His Cross?

Will we live then for ‘self’
And our feelings that fail?
Or follow our God
Know, His truths will prevail.

O Come, Holy Spirit

Control and compel me
Conform me to Christ
Consume all the dross
His blood has sufficed.

Making Sense of Life

To make sense, we need God
To find purpose and meaning
So, turn to our Creator
We need, His intervening.

Lessons from Jacob

When God makes a promise
It never can fail
Tho’ the vessels He uses
Seem often, so frail.

Jars of Clay

We’re just, jars of clay
Mere, earthen vessels
Yet we choose, how to fill
Be unique, and special.