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Examine Yourself

So few, stop to weigh
Consider wherein
Their values and faith
And worldview within.

Everything Worthy

Everything worthy
Comes at great price
And our life is a quandary
Till yielded to Christ.

Don’t Look Back

No compromised commitment
And no looking back
Surely God, deserves all
Christ is worthy….we never lack!

Choose This Day

Are you faithful to God
Or falling away
Follow His will
Or falter and stray?

Burned or Blessed?

Know our time will soon come
Before Him all must stand
Will your works all be burned
Or blessed…at His right hand.

A Shrub or Fruit Tree?

Yet, we’re given a choice
Of seeds that we sow
To bring forth our harvest
Which fruit, shall we grow?

A New Year

Not dwelling on problems
Left over, last year
But am trusting the Lord
Filled with His cheer.

A Faithful Servant?

I press toward the goal, yes, for the prize. The upward call of God in Jesus Christ.