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Run the Right Race

But, for those seeking Truth
Follow Jesus, and His cross
Find new life, eternal
Must count all else, as loss.

Rebelling against God

So repent and return
Submit to God, full of favor
Desires only our good
Obey Christ, as your Savior.

Our Wisest Choice

Know, in saving our life
Jesus said, we shall lose it
But if losing for Christ
We gain, God’s Holy Spirit.

Our Perspective

As we each, look around
With our values and goals
Are they centered on Christ
And the saving of souls?

Our Passions

Yet, as we journey on
Do think on your passions
On sin and God’s judgment
Eternity, what happens?

Our Duty or Choice?

Do learn, sit and listen
To hear the Lord’s voice
Seek His face, and presence
‘Tis our duty, not a choice.

Our Culture, or His Cross?

Will we live then for ‘self’
And our feelings that fail?
Or follow our God
Know, His truths will prevail.

Which Choice?

Yes, do follow God’s Word
Pray for His wisdom, in all
Call upon Him, to lead us
He surely answers our call.


Good Shepherd, do guide me
To make, heavenly choices
Yes, hearing Your will
Amongst many voices.

Free Will

But God waits for our choices
His love, forces not
Forewarns us, of outcomes
Yet we choose our lot.