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Why Are We Here?

We are here for God’s business
His purpose, not our own
Bringing Him glory
Go make disciples, seeds sown.

Your Goal

Your life you can build
On His Word and His will
His pleasure and purpose
You are finally fulfilled.

Sinking or Seeking God ?

For we’re made, for His glory
For His will, and pleasure
Our life, is not ours
We are His special treasure.

Are You a Dreamer?

Yet our Master, Creator
Set limits, in love
Has given us guidance
The true Captain, above.

Parable of the Talents

So, heed a big warning
Given all we’ve received
Invest well, for our Master
Don’t hide it, deceived.

Our Culture, or His Cross?

Will we live then for ‘self’
And our feelings that fail?
Or follow our God
Know, His truths will prevail.

Is ‘Self’ Your Goal?

Know God, our Creator
Remember, He is Lord
Created us, for His kingdom
In Christ, we’re restored.

Wanting to Fail?

So easily deceived
Follow flesh, not God’s Spirit
Refusing to repent
Their choice, God fulfils it!

Examine Yourself

So few, stop to weigh
Consider wherein
Their values and faith
And worldview within.